The easiest way of user testing

Start testing in minutes. Get results in hours.

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UX teams from these companies are already testing with Userbrain.

How user testing with Userbrain works:

Task types

1. Set up your test

If you can link to it, you can test it: websites, apps, prototypes – you name it. Use our templates or create your own test with tasks, questions, ratings, and more.


2. Recruit your testers

Get people from our 130k+ pool of qualified testers and target their demographics and screen for prior experiences, habits or preferences. You can also invite your own users.

Copy shared clip link

3. Share your insights

Speed up your test analysis with automatic transcripts and AI insights. Get the right information to the right people with automated test reports and clips.

The easy and affordable user testing tool for websites, apps & prototypes

Screenshot of Userbrain: New sessions
Userbrain shows you what’s working for your product — and what’s not. A simple tool that lets you create a user test in minutes and get results in just a few hours. Whether you’re a UX designer, researcher, or manager, with Userbrain you’re bound to build products people love to use.

Check out some templates:

Explore a wide range of template tasks and questions to give you an idea about how to get the most valuable insights from your user tests.

Userbrain features for easy, unmoderated remote user testing

Fast and easy user testing
Fast and easy user testing
Sign up in 60 seconds, and use templates with specific tasks and question types to get started in minutes.
Recruit 130k+ qualified testers
Recruit 130k+ qualified testers
Tap into our pool of quality-assured participants. Target demographics and use screening questions to find the right users.
Invite your own testers
Invite your own testers
Share a test link with your target audience, your customers, clients, colleagues, friends, or family to engage them in your user testing.
Save time with AI insights
Save time with AI insights
Let our AI assistant quickly mark important moments in your user tests, saving you a lot of time and effort in getting your insights.
Automated test reports
Automated test reports
Dive deep into your test results. Reports are created automatically and are designed to give you all the details.
Share your insights
Share your insights
Quickly capture and share key moments from user tests and make your findings more engaging and actionable with short clips.
More than 130k+ Quality Assured Testers
More than 130k+ Quality Assured Testers

Watch users interact with your product and hear their thoughts.

Watch real people with different personalities, locations, and device types interact with your product in their normal surroundings.
More about Userbrain tester pool
Old Apple computer with a pixalated open mail envelope.
Old Apple computer with a pixalated open mail envelope.
Invite your own testers

Want to invite your own testers? No probs!

With Userbrain, you can test with your own customers, friends, participants, or whoever else you’d like to invite to the party by simply dropping them a link via text or email.
More on inviting your own testers

Get started & tap into our pool of 130k+ testers today.

“Userbrain gives me incredibly useful insights on how first-time users understand the value proposition of our product and helps me identify bugs or usability issues quickly.”
Portrait photo of Pascal Briod
Pascal Briod
Head of Product & Co-Founder at Monito
via Medium

Userbrain is elegantly simple

“The customer service has been excellent — in the rare case we had a bad user test, they quickly refunded the credit.”
Portrait photo of Paul Doerwald
Paul Doerwald
Founder and CEO of Clockk
via G2
“Userbrain has enabled us to run user testing that is neutral, insightful and that can be clearly actioned.”
Portrait photo of Jamie Fisher
Jamie Fisher
Head of Ecommerce at Bradshaw Taylor Ltd.

There really isn’t anything I don’t like about Userbrain.

“I can dip in and out with pay-as-you-go credits with no commitment which I do for personal projects, and I can subscribe to make a real saving by buying monthly. It’s the best of both worlds.”
Portrait photo of Aaron Coates
Aaron Coates
Chief Product Officer at Money Alive