10 Best Slide Decks for Usability Optimization

Published November 3, 2015 by Markus Pirker in User Testing
⚡ Updated on October 3, 2023

A complete list of the best slide decks for usability optimization, containing useful tipps for usability testing, user experience design and user research.

I’m missing your favorite? Be sure to add a comment at the bottom letting me know which one you would include.

1. 5 Usability-Tasks you haven’t tried so far

Usability testing can be a really easy thing to do. You can do almost anything wrong – as long as you get your tasks right, your usability testing will always work.

Here you’ll find 5 example tasks that can provide new and different insights.

2. Introduction to Usability Testing: The DIY Approach

Jenny Grinblo promises that you’ll be able to plan and facilitate a usability test, identify usability problems and decide which problems to tackle first at the end of her presentation.

Let’s give it a try!

3. Usability vs. User Experience: What’s the difference?

Is there really a difference between usability and user experience?

Find out in this colorful presentation by Domain7.

4. Lean Usability

Want to know how Meetup does lean usability testing? Learn more about their process in this great slide deck by Andreas Glusman and Anna DeYoung.

5. Steve Krug: The Lazy Person’s Guide to a Better World

Want to know why most serious usability problems often remain for a long time?

Learn more in this awesome presentation by Steve Krug.

6. The 7 Most Common Usability Issues

Kissmetrics has collected the 7 most common and frustrating usability issues on Slideshare.

Does your site have any of this issues? Find out:

7. Visual Definitions of User Experience

This constantly growing collection contains more than 200 diagrams to present the diversity and evolution of User Experience as a concept and in relation to the other disciplines.

8. Sketching the user experience

Antonio De Pasquale describes his work with paper prototypes, wireframes and visual design and combines his personal experience with outstanding graphics.

9. 10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design

“User experience design is not user interface design” and 9 other common misconceptions from Whitney Hess presented at the Pittsburgh Web Design Day.

10. Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics explained

Jakob Nielsen developed the method of ‘Heuristic Evaluation’ to help identify problems with an interface. This presentation explains the 10 rules of thumb or heuristics with examples.

About the Author: Markus Pirker is Co-Founder of Userbrain. You can find him on Twitter at @gabelfisch.

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