Exploring perceived account benefits & content customization.
USWebsite URL
Task 1
Imagine that you have two children who love to play on your tablet while you're driving them to kindergarten. You want them to be entertained by educational media. A different parent suggested sesame street to you.
(Please remember to think out loud during your test.)
Task 2
Without leaving the homepage – explain what is being offered on this page. For whom is the offer on this page intended? What is the main target group of this page? Please be as specific as possible.
Task completed
Task 3
Which three words would you choose to describe this page? Please explain your answer briefly.
EducationalTask 4
Your daughter loves to draw and you have a big collection of her artwork at home. Please find an artistic exercise for her. Be sure to understand and try out all tools provided by the exercise.
Once you are finished, find a way to export the artwork so that you would be able to print it out later and collect it just like your daughter's analog artwork.
Task completed
Task 5
What are the advantages of creating an account on this website?
The advantage is that kids can learn while entertaining themselves and it is safe to use.Task 6
You want to specifically teach maths to your son. Is there a way you can find content for this category only?
Task completed
Task 7
How would you rate your overall experience with this website?